
Discover our service bonds

We offer to companies and individuals, whose activity forces them to routinely request our services, advantageous prices.
The customer can choose to acquire a type of bond that gives you the right to request translations of documents until the number of words, depending on the option chosen. (see annex).
The client sends to the translator (via e-mail, or web) document, which is processed instantly and sent the while is informed of many words has consumed and how many remained.
  1. Most translation companies charge a minimum amount (e-mails, etc) that tends to get quite expensive, so many choose to translate short documents supporting software resulting from very poor quality even, sometimes, devoid of meaning. This offer makes the most work.
  2. Translations provide security and guarantee have been made by a professional.



Type of credit Words PrIce (€)
Regulate until 1.000 70
Plus until 2.000 120
Superplus until 3.000 150
Start + 3.000 To suit
“Inform of all our services”
Get in touch with us, for any question that wants to formulate us

María Martín
Licence in Translation and Interpretation.
It interpret Sworn of Groins.
C/ Marques de Lema 7, 28003, Madrid
C/ Neptuno 31, 45111, Cobisa (Toledo)